Showing 13–24 of 29 results
“What god are you looking for in a dark street apart from the streetlight which illuminates your way?
― Mehmet Murat ildan
Great pieces of work are never forgotten. A tribute to the great architects of the world.
Bryggen (the dock)
Bryggen’s structures are built in lines with vernacular building traditions that influenced Norway’s style of architecture.
Such moments make one believe that there are always beautiful moments in life.
Sunset by the fjord – A magical moment when the sky turns a medley of yellow, orange and blue.
When nature and inanimate stand together, head held high, you feel all can live in tandem and peace.
A collection of such captures.
I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today.- Ken Wilber
Autumn paints in colours that you never see in summer.