A Video by Memory Project

I’m so pleased to let you know that the portraits our Art CAS group created have been delivered to the children in Colombia, and they absolutely loved them! As you will see in the following video, we have successfully managed to put a smile to each of their faces before Christmas.   https://vimeo.com/307396436/d3f7a18a28 We were

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Portraits of Kindness

“Creating Portraits for a Kinder World”   About Memory Project: Memory Project is a non-profit organization that invites art students and their teachers to create portraits for youth around the world who have faced substantial challenges such as neglect, loss of parents, poverty, abuse or war. Every child who receives a portrait has a different

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How Art for a Cause began

Fusing Creativity and Cause As a part of my CAS project at my school, I have long since had the idea of combining creativity and service. Personally, I think that knocking on doors for donations does not make helping out for a social cause a memorable affair– it is practical, but surely not innovative. When

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